GK Vibramill VM-240, S/N C10644-03, Up to 40 Tons Per Hour, With Base and Springs
Weg PBL N 250-447T Motor, 250 HP, 460 Volts, 447 T Frame, RPM 1785
Hartley Compatibility System, with Control, Compatibility Unit-MDL B-2550-101-5, S/NB-2550-263, Bond Determinator, Siemens PLC.
International LVJS Molding Squeezer, S/N B-5901-1, 14".
1998 Inductotherm Induction Melting System, Previously used for Iron, VIP Power Trak 2500-R, 2500 Kw, 150 Hz, bus bars, power cables, hydraulic pump, water pumps, 15 MT Steel Shell Furnace, Made In...